Our Mission

From the very beginning, this has all been about our love for humorous and
artistic t-shirts.  We poured all of our creativity and ambition into launching
the most successful zazzle.com and cafepress.com business we could manage. 

Since 2007, we’ve sold our products to over 50 countries and all throughout the
US.  Although we have not come close to our full potential with the print on
demand  websites we work through, our focus has evolved. 

We have come to the conclusion that we’re fighting an uphill battle.  We’ve
controlled too little of the playing field which resulted in too much effort to
receive minimal results.   Bottom line, we’ve made more money for third party
businesses then we’ve managed to make ourselves.

So what’s next?

That question is going to be answered over the course of the next 12 months.  In
short, we’re revamping our business to include our own screen printing operation
thanks to the help of the Ryonet Corporation;

 With Ryonet equipment we will be blogging about the screen sprinting process
twice a week and posting a video at least once a month about everything you’ll
want to know about screen printing.  We’ll share with our readers both our
successes and our failures as we learn the screen printing trade.  We will share
a bit about what goes on behind the scenes with Moyatees.com and we’ll cover a
whole range of topics directly and indirectly related to the screen printing

Thanks for visiting our blog.  Check back soon for more.
Steve Westphal
Ethan Holland

Co founders of www.moyatees.com and  Moya Enterprises LLC.

  1. Hi Steve Great Blog, I have added it to my Blog site for others to see. my Blog site is http://selectinks.blogspot.com/ I hope you stop by and say hi. Keep all the Great info coming sometimes we forget the simple things. Bob

  2. Erika says:

    Cool blog! I will keep checking in. Way to make something like this sound interesting to someone who never gave it thought before. : )

  3. Jen says:

    Best of luck to you both! I can’t wait to see this develop – This is such an AWESOME opportunity!

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